Equinox Cleanse

Autumn 2024: October 5 - October 25

A traditional week-long Ayurvedic kitchari cleanse, done at home, in community, and guided by your unique health goals.

Equinox Cleanse
One time
For 3 months

Join me in a group of other like-minded spirits for a deep digestive reset at the juncture of the seasons.

It’s time for a change.

Traditionally, the equinoxes are the time for an Ayurvedic cleanse, as they are a time of energetic transition.  When we leave one season, we have accumulated the dominant elements of that time, possibly in excess, causing imbalance.  In order to move into a new stage of the year with a whole new set of elemental influences, we have to clear the decks.

Sort of like the common spring cold, which is just an accumulation of the heavy, wet and cold elements of late winter.  We need to assist nature in it’s transition to the warm, dry season of summer by removing the excess qualities that weight it down.

It’s time to simplify.

We do this through a very simple and gentle process of eating a traditional mono-diet of kitchari, a medicinal staple of Ayurveda for centuries.  It is an easy dish to make and consists of basmati rice, yellow lentils and digestive spices like ginger, turmeric, cumin, coriander and fennel. This allows the body to enter a phase of rest and repair, moving toxins out of the body.

There are pre-cleanse and post-cleanse protocols that are just as important as the mono-diet and will be followed 5-7 days surrounding the cleanse.  This is a time of simplifying the diet and easing in and out of the cleanse.

It’s time to release.

It’s not just about what we eat. The process of cleansing involves so much more. We will incorporate Ayurvedic cleansing practices that help dislodge toxins, gently, from the body, assisting in the detoxification process. Through daily routines of tongue scraping, warm oil self-massage, and sweat therapy this cleanse becomes a full body, sensory experience.

These practices will be specifically tailored to your health needs through the 60 minute consultation where we build your cleanse roadmap.

It’s time to connect.

When we release what we no longer need, it can be a tough process. It’s important to fill ourselves back up with what we do need. Cleansing within a community provides support through the process of letting go and offers reflections of the many experiences we share.

We meet regularly on Zoom throughout the cleanse to center within the group container and stay connected on WhatsApp each day.

You also receive my personal guidance through a 45-minute consultation where we build your cleanse roadmap and have access to me for questions throughout the cleanse.

What people experience after an Equinox Cleanse

What you will recieve in the Equinox Cleanse

  • A 45-minute Ayurvedic Health Consultation

    Here, we create a cleanse roadmap just for you. We will go through your health history, current concerns and your health goals.

  • A Customized Shopping List

    We will make it easy for you to find everything you need plus give you some discounts for online ingredients purchases!

  • Customized Recipes

    Your recipes will be curated around your health needs and created by a professional chef, so they’ll actually taste great.

  • Cleanse Protocol Guidance

    Although an Ayurvedic cleanse is very gentle, it’s important that it’s done for you. And it’s not one size fits all. Your guidelines will be tailored just to you.

  • On Demand Video Content

    I know you have a busy life so I created a video portal with all the guidance you need throughout the cleanse that you have access to at any time.

  • LIVE Community Calls

    Getting support from community during a cleanse is so important so we will be connecting over Zoom throughout the cleanse to reflect on our shared experiences.

  • Cooking Classes

    You’ll be guided by me, a professional chef, through the cooking process of all the recipes you receive. These will be in your video portal to be accesses at any time.

  • Personal Support

    You will have access to me via WhatsApp throughout the cleanse to have any questions answered and recieve support.

The Schedule:

The Equinox Cleanse at its core is 7 days of a mono-diet. But, the pre and post cleanse protocol are an import part of the process and can’t be skipped. Your diet is much more inclusive during that time but this time makes the cleanse a total of 21 days of deep digestive reset.

Fall Equinox Cleanse 2024

Pre - Cleanse

October 5 - October 11

You will receive guidelines for pre-cleanse via email after signing up. This is where we begin to remove toxins from the body slowly but shifting to a plant-based diet and removing inflammatory foods.


October 12 - October 18

This is where we begin the mono-diet of kitchari for 7 full days, eating this medicinal staple food 3 meals per day. During this time you will connect with the community and learn within the portal.

Post - Cleanse

October 19 - October 25

Here you will return to a plant-based diet with specific guidance to rejuvenate and replenish with specific foods and medicinal herbs after the cleanse as you ease back into your regular diet.

Meet your guide

Jacqueline Foster

Jacqueline has been in the food world as a professional chef for over two decades. Her experience has led her to many places: kitchens, farms, food trucks and finally Ayurveda. She has been incorporating Ayurvedic principles into her cooking for clients for ten years and now, as an Ayurvedic Health Counselor, her intention has shifted. She wants to teach people how to have an intuitive relationship with food, becoming their own healer in the kitchen.


Join Now.

After registering you will receive an email to schedule your 60-minute 1:1 consultation that is included in this package.

Equinox Cleanse
One time
For 3 months

Join me in a group of other like-minded spirits for a deep digestive reset at the juncture of the seasons.

Still have Questions?